Category Archives: Disaster recovery

A Time for Giving (and no this is not quite what you think)

Take a moment and look at these three images and answer the question provided below.

Which of these photographs are of the same person?

Which of these photographs are of the same person?

What did you see that helped you answer the question? What prior knowledge did you use? What questions did you ask yourself? What clues tipped you off?

These are all skills that students need to gain and use to survive in today’s classrooms and in our busy world. They need to know how to observe; how to question; how to incorporate what they already know; how to analyze and think critically. Continue reading

Help New Orleans renew and rebuild!

Colleen McFarland, the indefatigable vice-chair/chair-elect of SAA’s Archivists of Religious Collections Section, has once again taken the lead on organizing not one, but FIVE, service projects so that archivists attending the Annual Meeting in NOLA can “give back” to the city. Can you fit one of the projects into your busy schedule on Tuesday August 13th or Wednesday the 14th? Here’s more information from Colleen. –Jackie

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Please help SAA help the archives hit hard by Hurricane Sandy

Arghh. Shades of Katrina, Rita, Irene, and the other [un]natural disasters that have struck the U.S. over the past decade. We all undoubtedly have friends and  colleagues in New Jersey and New York who are struggling to dig their archives out from under water, mud, and garbage, after which they’ll begin recovery procedures for materials that aren’t beyond hope. No doubt some of you will be on the front lines with them as the archival community pulls together once again to help each other out. Continue reading